Sunday, 9 December 2012

When vintage, pink 'n' pretty and a pirate meet ....

It's nearly Xmas .... can you tell???

The hint might have been back in November when they were playing christmas carols in Woolworths ..... I just don't get it ...

These sorts of songs should be saved for sitting round the telly on Xmas Eve with family and friends by watching either the National Lampoons Xmas Vacation for the 19th time or Ray Martin hosting the Carols by Candlelight from the Myer Music Bowl in Melbourne with one of my Cousin Matthews potent vodka punch in hand .... just watch the fruit pieces at the end ... crucial.

Anyway, for everyone its an extremely busy time of year especially in the world of cakes and television.

The following 87 vintage cupcakes + top tier I had booked in for a while and was really looking forward to making them. The Bride and Groom were a very relaxed easy going couple and let me play away with colours and ideas ... especially for the top tier .... you'll see, its a Fiona special ....

The cupcakes were half white choccie mud and half banana .... really nice combination.

Am sure you will all pleased to know that the below rolling pin is my favourite. In my own mind, I have settled the debate from aliminium to silicone to marble and wood.  

This Pink 'n' Pretty cake is named after my favourite barbie doll from when I was little. Melissa and Jarred were lovely to work with and the cake toppers were 2nd choice as their original one didn't arrive in time. The colours, lace and bedazzles on the cake matched the room perfectly with all the decorations.

Once again this is when the world of cakes and television combine. Suse and I are beyond busy at the moment with prep for the Tour Down Under and anything else you would like to throw at us so while I was waiting for the ganache to set for each tier, was also sending emails and picturing us all in Adelaide in 45 degree heat.

Gave up on using a smoother and gone back to the old fashioned way of just smoothing down with my hands .... just pardon the jewellery .... takes forever taking everything off .... was a white choc mud with passionfruit for flavour.

Step 1, 2, 3 + 4 for covering a HUGE tier ... (choc mud with raspberry)

See the difference in the sizes ... was a 4 inch, 7 inch, 10 inch + 13 inch

Just please take a moment and look at the view. This is my favourite at Taronga Zoo ... you just can't stop looking .... and you can hear all the animals too.

Once constant stability I have had in my life is the McDowell family. My brother Ben and I have grown up with Nick, Mike and Shelley our whole lives.

We grew up 1 min away in our neighbourhood and formed the One Way Street gang where we would hang out generally in the street from sunrise to sunset (usually causing some sort of trouble).

Mike and I started at Wyong Road pre-school together. He was the rebel even at the age of 4yrs old, either climbing the fence and escaping down the street or just simply pulling the thread of my favourite pink ribbon until it was a pile of satin on the ground. Yes, I am a forgiver but not a forgetter!!! 

Shelley and I have shared our lives for as long as I can remember. From sitting at the one way street sign for many hours contemplating life, to phone and skype conversations from all locations around the globe, there have been many laughs, tears, thoughts and just listening and giving advice. 

Shelley is just about to embark on another big adventure this week which is another story in itself and as my mum said earlier this week ...'Life is what it is' .... 'It just is' ....  

So ... when Shelley asked me to make a pirate cake for Mike's son Robbie's 5th b'day ... of course ... add to the list of stuff to do this week. There is always time for a cake.

I wanted him to look like a menacing pirate but got the complete opposite ... he got the right reaction though with Robbie very much liking him ... well worth it....