Sunday, 4 October 2020

The Cake Blog is back!!! Old school Lamington Giant Donut Cake ....

Hello there lovelies ... its been a few years ... literally ... but its time to bring the blog back... look out.

Its exactly 10yrs ago right now when I was in the US in Chicago for the Wilton Cake course which I had aways wanted to do. That's where I started my first blog on the 2 x week adventure with all the Wiltonites from around the globe....  Quite funny reading back on the days and looking at the pics and have all the cake styles have changed.

Anyway as this little old blog has hit 14,397 views, I thought it might be a good idea to bring it back and see what mischief I can get up to with it. 

So lets start off with Captain Obvious ....we all know that 2020 can just sod off, however I will begin with a positive and that's with the birth of baby Beth Einstein to Elea and Kevin in July. This little ray of sunshine has literally bought us all so much love and I adore her. Totally smitten each time I get to give her a cuddle. 

None of 2020 has been easy though. There are still way to many of my colleagues out of work, and we lost a beautiful soul who was very close to many of us, to suicide. 

Am still trying to grieve and deal with losing our Ed but am just not there yet. This blog is for you Edwina who was always so positive and encouraging with my cakes and generally all aspects of life. None of us truly realised how you were feeling and the pain and for that I will always be very sorry.

You've all seen my giant donut cakes that I have developed... this is just a new take on them... the old school Lamington version... and it was super yummy if I can say so myself. Not quite up to the standard of entering it in the Royal Easer Show  up against all the CWA lot but maybe soon ... Enjoy the pics and until next time (which I promise will be not another few years away).

Big Love Fiona x 

ps: Be kind to all. We really don't know what crap people have going on behind the scenes in their lives. Life is not all about the instagram pics and facebook posts. 

Lovelies - meet Ken Wood who has changed my life. My Scottish David has bought me some incredible cooking gifts over the years but Ken Wood would hands down be the best. Ken Wood and I have been through a couple of tragedies but many many triumphs together. I was hoping he would be pink as I love the colour pink. He's obviously yellow. After our first cake together though, I got over it.

Cake mixture (vanilla sponge) in the donut moulds. And yes they do look like boobs. I have a giggle each time I make a donut cake. Real mature I know.

Not one to stick to a receipe... instead of strawberry jam, I made my own version. Here is the pre-cooked strawberry goo soaked in sugar and lemon juice....

And here is the strawberry goo cooked... they were so sweet!!! 

Donut cake out of the oven ... for the smart ones of you, you'll notice there is one cake when two cakes were placed in the oven to bake... one of my tragedies... I dropped one straight out of the oven as I was too cool to wear an ovenmit. I always learn life's lessons the hard way.

Meet Big Knife. My Cake Friend Sam told me to buy Big Knife. He's great. He loves slicing cakes. Gets very excited.

See... look how awesome he is. So smooth and even.

Whipped cream a go go. I need to meet a French Chef though to let me know when the exact moment that the cream is whipped. This is the Fiona method... hold upside down and if it doesn't move...          its ready!!!

Chocolate sauce which is the lamington specialty... which is only icing sugar, cocoa (not the cheap crap brand), milk and butter and then stir the beejeeebies out of it.

Wasn't sure how to get the chocolate sauce on so I poured it all in a roast potato baking pan and then dipped the cakes in their and then painted with a pasty brush.

Piping cream. Love doing this. Very therapeutic. And the chuck some desiccated coconut all over the top tier.

All prettied up with the cream puffs

I forgot to take a pic of the layer with the strawberry goo on it... got a bit excited. 

And here we are with Aunt Judy slicing up at a really lovely lunch at Cousin Nat's house. I don't win awards for my photography skills as you can clearly see.

Was very proud when most of us when back for seconds.